These Leaders are extremely Selfish and Self-Centred. They don't think about the survival of our beloved Party, or the role of Party representing Malaysian Chinese. They are thinking of the forthcoming Party Elections, securing certain Leadership positions. Playing the Power Struggle Game.
I think it is good deed for the 22 Division Chiefs to ask MCA State Chief, Donald Lim, to withdraw his resignation. It is NOT Donald Lim's fault that MCA lost ALL SEATS in Selangor, a record-breaking event. Donald Lim does not need to resign. May be he will suffer the same fate as Ch'ng Toh Eng, i.e. not being appointed the State Chief for the following Party Election period.
At 308 (13GE on March 8, 2013), Ch'ng had made many enemies too. For 505, Donald made even more enemies when many Division Chiefs did not get to become Candidate, or their preferred team did not become Candidates. Donald has more enemies than everybody thinks. Actually, the Division Chiefs were just putting up a "show" to the Media; many Division Chiefs want to boot out Donald Lim.
This is politics...very complicated.
My dear Comrades,
I am happy to see the Press Statement by MCA Sec-Gen to call for calm and let the Presidential Council deliberate and decide on the next course of actions.
We need to be COOL and CALM.
MCA's Defeat is already so humiliating.
If MCA goes into Total Chaos, we will move from Humiliating to Shameful.
We must stand UNITED in this Difficult, Challenging Time.
All Central, State and Division Leaders should just stay STILL. Wait and see what decision comes out from the Presidential Council.
I personally think that The Following are STUPID ACTIONS by Irresponsible MCA Leaders:
1) Resignation to take the blame for Election Loss.
2) Closing of MCA Service Centres immediately. If the Malaysian Chinese don't love MCA, MCA must still love the Malaysian Chinese.
3) Resignation of Ahli Majlis, Ahli Pelawat Hospital, Ketua Kampung, Ahli JKKKP.
MCA CANNOT just put a Full Stop to serving and representing the Malaysian Chinese!!
Even if MCA lose every single Seat, MCA must still Survive and Persist.
If the Son betrays the Father, the Father will Still Always love the Son, no matter what.
Press statement by MCA Secretary General Dato’ Seri Kong Cho Ha
MCA Presidential Council meeting to convene soon – Members urged to keep calm & stand united
MCA will convene a Presidential Council meeting this Saturday, 11 May 2013 to deliberate in-depth on the election results. Meanwhile, I urge all MCA members to remain stoic, persevere and await the decision of the MCA central leadership.
I believe that party members should not use the election results to launch attacks on individual leaders as this will further damage the party’s image and standing.
I would like to remind MCA members that during these challenging times, MCA should avoid internal conflict lest the Opposition uses the occasion to manufacture issues to further attack MCA.
Dato’ Seri Kong Cho Ha
MCA Secretary General
MCA Secretary General
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