Friday, May 10, 2013

MCA Must Continue to Represent the Malaysian Chinese

Gerakan, although its majority members are Chinese, is a Multi-Racial party.  On the other hand, MCA is a party entirely for the Malaysian Chinese.  Even its name is Malaysian Chinese Association.

Even though 80% of Malaysian Chinese may have voted PR/DAP, MCA cannot forget its mission to represent the voice of the Malaysian Chinese.  How can MCA members distant themselves from serving the Malaysian Chinese?  How can MCA just simply put a Full Stop to represesnt the interests of the Malaysian Chinese? 
How can MCA just disregard the future of Chinese education for our yonng children? How can MCA just stop to talk on behalf of the Malaysian Chinese businesses? How can MCA just stop defending the Malaysian Chinese when a certain new Government policy is detrimental to the Malaysian Chinese?

For instance, Ketua Kampung of a Chinese New Village.  If MCA member declines to be Head of a Chinese New Village, so how?  Ask the Malay to be Village Head?  Or ask the DAP member to be Village Head?  MCA cannot just stop serving the Chinese community at the hundreds of Chinese New Villages all accross the country.

Another example, JKKKP or Jawatankuasa Kemajuan & Keselamatan Kampung.  Are MCA members going to stop to be involved in JKKKP?  Because MCA is not successfully voted in, should MCA stop caring for the development and security of Chinese New Villages?  JKKKP often play the role of identifying roads to be repairs, street lights to be installed, drainage problems to be resolved, and 101 other isssues/problems in Chinese New Village.  Is MCA going to "forget and forsake" the Chinese New Villages?

Third example, District Councillor (Ahli Majlis Daerah) and Municipal Councillor (Ahli Majlis Perbandaran).  These MCA members serving as Councillors in the respective Local Goverment (Majlis Daerah or Majlis Perbandaran) often voice issues and problems in their respective District/Town to the respective Officers in the Majlis Daerah/Perbandaran.  Are we going to "forget and forsake" the citizen of respective Districts/Towns?  Forget whatever problems/issues faced by the citizens?  Just DON'T CARE??

Last but not least, Goverment hospitals normally have a panel of "Ahli Pelawat" representing the community served by the respective hospitals.  Malaysian Chinese do get sick and get treatments from Government hospital.  Not every Malaysian Chinese is so rich as to go to expensive, private hospitals.  Are MCA members going to stop getting involved in the Panel of Ahli Pelawat for all the Government hospitals?  Are MCA members going to Stop Caring?

If the Son is disloyal to the Father, the Father will Still LOVE the Son, no matter what.
Even if 80% of Malaysian Chinese do not Love MCA, MCA must Still LOVE all the Malaysian Chinese, and continue to represent the interests of all Malaysian Chinese.

In the Parliament Lower House (Dewan Rakyat), there are now only SEVEN MCA MPs out of the total 222 MPs.  Our Voice is alreading getting Extremely Small.  MCA's representation in Dewan Rakyat is now only 3.5%, the lowest in the history!!

Is MCA going to play DUMB MUTE for the next 5 years?  Is MCA going to punish ALL the Malaysian Chinese (because 80% of Malaysian Chinese did not vote for MCA)?

Again I say,
MCA Cannot Stop To Represent the Interests of Malaysian Chinese!MCA Cannot Stop Loving and Caring for Malaysian Chinese!

If MCA really wants to stop representing the Malaysian Chinese, then it needs to change name.  No longer should it be named MALAYSIAN CHINESE Association.

P/S:  Just now, my hubby asked: Blogging again ah?  Hubby is in Gerakan being Penangite, I am in MCA.

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